The 'rents decided last minute to come for Conference. My mom drove up with my aunt earlier in the week from Heber, Az with my dad and the boys coming up early Friday. Thursday was my Aunt Lorie's birthday so I drove down to Orem to go to dinner with them. I can't tell people enough how much I love Chili's chips and salsa! My co-worker Tim and I used to get them to go all the time and haven't lately because we've sworn off eating out.
Friday night Megan and I went to a huge LDS singles dance that they have the Friday before General Conference. We got there around 10:30 and didn't leave until 1am. My knees ached so much the next day! Kenny and Stuart showed up later on and it was a little weird to be at a dance with my younger brothers. It was fun times though. I didn't go to sleep until around 3 that night because I was talking on the phone and then watching TV.
Unfortunately, I woke up at 8 the next morning and couldn't get back to sleep. I got out of bed around 9 and was out the door by 10, on my way to Mapleton. I enjoyed listening to the talks on the radio because I was able to focus more. It was pouring rain the whole way down so it took me over an hour to get there. After the first session has finished my mom, Lorie and I went to the Barn Boutique! I love the new ideas that people come up with every year! I totally snuck a few pictures in of things that I thought were cute and I could make them myself because they were WAY overpriced.

This next one wasn't overpriced and I can't make it. I just thought
it was really cute. It's two pirates with a parrot in the middle.

I bought some flower things and some pumpkin chocolate chip bread, YUM!
After the second session of conference and a few hours of being lazy, us girls went to Corn Wagon Quilt Shop where they were having a girls' night. They were making purses out of dishtowels that looked really cute. I didn't make one because the pockets were too big and I'm not talented enough to modify a pattern.
I left Springville around 7 and headed to SLC to get Megan and head to Park City! A girl in our ward was given a condo for the weekend so a group of about 7 or 8 went up. We went swimming and then watched Iron Man and ate WAY too much candy. The next morning I was up by 6 but couldn't make noise because of the other girlsso I forced myself back to sleep and didn't get up again until 8 or 9. It turns out almost all of us did that but thought everyone else was asleep. We had a delicious and fattening breakfast and then watched both sessions while doing a conference pack that Erin had brought for everyone.
After the last session, I headed BACK to Mapleton for dinner with everyone. Jeff and Rivka's little baby Bray was having stomach issues and you could definitely tell when he was in the room! We weren't able to play any games that night so now I'm owed double game playing next time I hang out down there. I collapsed into bed around midnight that night and cursed my alarm the next morning.
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