Monday, February 2, 2009

Ode to the Iron


This gift from the 'rents came on Christmas morn
The wrapping paper was quickly torn.
It's the exact thing I dreamed of!
I immediately fell in love.
Though I have burns a plenty,
fifteen, maybe twenty,
This iron rocks!
It gives me such pretty locks.
Though Jilbere make this tool no more
I will always love and adore
this gift of gifts, this electric machine
this spiral iron of my dreams.
(ok, retardedness over)

I got this for Christmas and I have used it at least 3 times a week since. The first few weeks I got burned a lot because I can't see the back of my head and I can't do the whole "look in the mirror and move your hand the right direction" thing very well. My hair actually stays curled the entire day! It doesn't look so hot in the morning, but who cares! I shower every morning so it makes no diff to me. I liked it so much I started calling around to see if Sally's has any left so I have a back up in case this one dies. (They discontinued this brand, dang economy!) It literally can take minutes to put a wave in my hair. True spiraling takes longer but way cute too.

Thanks Mom and Dad! You're the best parents I've ever had!
Picture of the waves. Aren't I clever to take it by a mirror so you can see the back? I think so.

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